  • Welcome to YJP!Where the new generation of young leaders go for Jewish Growth, Social Opportunities & Business
    Networking in Las Vegas.
  • About UsLearn more about us & our mission. Find out more
  • What We DoWe provide a holistic milieu of dynamic social events, handcrafted educational experiences & organic spiritual gatherings. Our 90 plus communities makes us the premier Young Jewish Professional provider in the world. Events
  • SpiritualWant to study a particular concept, do a specific Mitzvah, or incorporate something new into your Jewish life? We’ve got you covered, regardless! Connect
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YJP is funded entirely through generous donors just like you! By partnering with us through joining our Chai Club, you are committing to giving a monthly donation in the amount of your choice. All donations are tax-deductible and will enable us to continue serving the Young Jewish Community!
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Shabbat & Holidays
Candle Lighting Times
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Dec. 25 - Jan. 2